Lukasiewicz – Institute of Aviation

Lukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Aviation is one of the most modern research institutions in Europe, with traditions dating back to 1926. The Institute closely cooperates with the world's tycoons of the aviation industry and institutions from the space industry. The strategic research areas of the Institute are aviation, space and unmanned technologies. Tests and services for domestic and foreign industry in the field of metallic and composite materials, additive, remote sensing, energy and mining technologies are also carried out here. The main area of activity of Lukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Aviation in aviation technology is to provide research and development services and to support the development of industry. Theoretical, design and computational and laboratory activities are the elements that distinguish the Institute among global leaders. High-class infrastructure, experienced staff and young talents ensure desired quality and allow us to deliver breakthrough solutions. Aviation technology offerings: • Experimental and computational research in the field of aerodynamics. • Design of metallic and composite aerostructures. • Design and testing of avionic equipment. • Design of aircraft engine components. • Research on advanced propulsion systems (BLI, RDE). • Aircraft design. • Support in the aircraft certification process. • R&D sources for air transport systems. • Design of hybrid propulsion systems.
Hallen-/Stand Nr. A5-340

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  • Fahrwerksysteme
  • Fertigungstechnik
  • Hochschulen und Forschungsinstitute
  • Metall Werkstoffe
  • Navigationssysteme
  • Propeller
  • Segelflugzeuge
  • Verbundwerkstoffe



Kategorie 1.4.2. - Gliders / Segelflugzeuge
Musterbez. Aerobatic
Kennzeichen SP-GUST
Max. Startgew. (in kg) 440
Spannw. (in Meter) 12.89
Länge (in Meter) 6.84
Sitzplätze 1


al. Krakowska 110/114
02-256 Warsaw