On display : INTEGRAL R (Training aircraft with aerobatics capacities, two-seater, side by side, taildragger landing gear) & INTEGRAL E (Electric version of the INTEGRAL R or S). Unexposed : INTEGRAL S (tricycle landing gear version).
Hallen-/Stand Nr. A7-301

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  • Business Jets
  • Einmotorige Flugzeuge
  • Leichtflugzeuge
  • Sustainable Aviation Trail




  • Business Aviation
  • Electric flight
  • Special mission
  • Sustainable Aviation


Electric Regional Aircraft is a 19-seat hybrid regional aircraft available in several versions

ERA is a versatile 19 seat Hybrid Electric aircraft designed for missions up to 900NM. Available in multiple versions, it meets the needs of airlines, private operators, cargo and military applications, offering efficiency, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness.
Drew McEwen
The INTEGRAL family is composed of 3 side-by-side two-seater aircraft with aerobatic capabilities.

INTEGRAL family features three side-by-side, two-seater aircraft with aerobatic capabilities, built using wood-carbon technology covering missions ranging from ab-initio and UPRT training to aerobatic competition. INTEGRAL R is the sport aircraft dedicated to aerobatics, INTEGRAL S is the ideal training aircraft and INTEGRAL E is an all-electric version.
Drew McEwen


Kategorie 1.2.3. - Single-engine aircraft
Musterbez. INTEGRAL R
Kennzeichen F-WIAR
Max. Startgew. (in kg) 1005
Spannw. (in Meter) 8,78
Länge (in Meter) 7,26
Sitzplätze 2
Flugstd. Zelle 143
Motorentyp Lycoming AEIO-390/A3B6 (210hp@2700rpm)
Ausrüstung MT Propeller MTV-15-B-C/C193-25 (constant speed - 2 blades) & Whole Rescue Parachute
Kategorie 1.2.2. - Twin-engine aircraft
Musterbez. INTEGRAL SE Mockup
Kennzeichen F-RNLT
Max. Startgew. (in kg) 1005
Spannw. (in Meter) 8,78
Länge (in Meter) 7,26
Sitzplätze 2
Ausrüstung INTEGRAL S electric version in collaboration with Renault for the release of the R4 Full-Electric.
Kategorie 1.1.1. - Corporate jets
Musterbez. Electric Regional Aircraft (Cabin Mockup)
Kennzeichen Mockup
Max. Startgew. (in kg) Mockup
Spannw. (in Meter) Mockup
Länge (in Meter) Mockup
Sitzplätze 19
Motorentyp Electric Hybrid
Ausrüstung ERA cab segments in passenger transport version.


Aéroport Toulouse Francazal