Piston Aircraft Ignition Systems

Freitag, 11.04.2025
13:30 Uhr
Halle A4-303

A comprehensive look at magneto systems currently used in the GA fleet, including theory and troubleshooting along with maintenance and installation tips. A presentation that is sure to "Power up" your knowledge of magneto systems.

Dieses Event findet an folgenden Terminen statt:

09.04.2025, 13:30 Uhr Halle A4-303
10.04.2025, 13:30 Uhr Halle A4-303
11.04.2025, 13:30 Uhr Halle A4-303
12.04.2025, 13:30 Uhr Halle A4-303

Tagesprogramm, Vortrag, Technik

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