eVTOLS - in different classes getting ready - FAA UL Part 103 - European ultralight / FAA Part 23 - First Responders and more

Donnerstag, 10.04.2025
15:00 - 16:15 Uhr
AERO Conference Stage Foyer Ost

Topics of this Panel will be: 


  1. GoAERO – Gwen Lighter - World eVTOL Competition for a first responder eVTOL
  2. Pivotal – Ken Karklin CEO - USA  The first eVTOL u can buy and fly legally (in US)
  3. ERC  - David Loebl CEO - A new German Manufacturer  - specialized in in a medivac eVTOL
  4. Wisk AERO – Tom Gunnarson, Lead of Regulatory Affairs - Unpiloted eVTOL from the Boeing Company Wisk 
  5. TUM München - Prof. Florian Holzapfel - eVTOLs in Europe - Safety and Opportunity? 

Tagesprogramm, Vortrag, Sustainable Aviation, E-Flight

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